Holocaust Studies in the Undergraduate Curriculum: What Should It Be? What Must It Be?
Event Date: Thursday, December 17 - 9:30 am to 12:00 pm

The students of Professor Millet's Holocaust Studies courses will present their research in Holocaust Studies with a view to analyzing both its role in their research and its impact on their professional aspirations. Using an interdisciplinary lens, students have identified several exciting topics on which they have based their papers:
Paper Presentations (15 minute presentations on final research paper)
December 17th - 9:30-11 a.m.
- Prince Gonzalodo, “Carl Schmitt and the Ruin of the German Rule of Law during WWII”
- Breanna Keys, “The Loss of the Sovereign State: Carl Schmitt's Attack on the Weimar Constitution”
Respondent: Brent Faye
- Leigh Ann Aronce, “Robert Jackson’s Nuremberg Address and Unprecedented Crimes”
- Robert Willis, “‘The Beer Hall Putsch,’ Nazi Law, the Extermination of the Jews”
Respondent: Harriet Heydemann
December 17th - 11 a.m. - Noon
- Harriet Heydemann, “Biographical fiction and Holocaust Narrative”
- Sarah Markoff, “Designing Death: The deconstruction of the subjective human experience within the camps”
- Ocean Noah, “Holocaust Recognition Scenes Remind Us of What Humanity Means”
Respondent: McKenzie Phelps
For information on how you can attend the conference, please email Professor Millet (kmillet1@sfsu.edu).