Journalism in a Populist Age: Lessons from Israel and the U.S.
Event Date: Tuesday, February 5 - 4:00 pm
Location: Humanities Building, Room 418
Anat Balint, visiting scholar in Israel Studies in the Department of Jewish Studies, discusses Journalism in a Populist Age: Lessons from Israel and the U.S., followed by a conversation with Journalism Professor Venise Wagner. Reception to follow. Free.
Balint is a former correspondent for the Haaretz daily newspaper, a media scholar and a lecturer at Tel Aviv University, with expertise in the political economy of the media. Her long investigative work as a journalist uncovering the behind the scenes of Israeli media has turned her into a unique scholar who has experienced the industry both as a participant and an observer.
Balint earned her doctorate from University of London.
Photo by Eyal Toueg