Academica Judaica: Shahar Marnin-Distelfeld
Sunday, November 27, 2016

November 30 (Wednesday), 3:30 PM in HUM 415
Why Draw Flowers?
Botanical Art and Women’s
Contribution to Israeli Culture
Shahar Marnin-Distelfeld
Zefat Academic College, Israel
Dr. Shahar Marnin-Distelfeld is an Israeli scholar, currently on leave
from Zefat Academic College, where she teaches art history. She is
the Director of Educational Programs and Curator at the Memorial
Center, Kiryat Tivon. She holds a PhD from the University of Haifa
(2012) in History and Sociology with a doctoral dissertation on the
representation of homemakers in manuals, women’s magazines, and
advertisements for domestic products in Jewish publications in
British Mandate Palestine. Marnin-Distelfeld works in women’s
history, art and gender, as well as art and education.
Sponsored by the Department of Jewish Studies, with the
School of Art, the Department of Women and Gender
Studies, and the Program in Middle East and Islamic
Studies. For more information, call 415-338-6075.